The more time passes, the more I realize that training is also essential to my work. Especially in these times.

These past few days I have prepared my next marketing lessons in Diskos and I was under the illusion of being able to refresh and reuse my PowerPoint presentation from last year. But the world – especially this past year – has changed, and so has marketing. We live in a liquid world – as Bauman said – which requires flexibility and continuous changes of strategy and, therefore, also of the tools to be adopted.

The term ‘lifelong learning’ clearly indicates the attitude we should have: learning for life. On the other hand, as the average life span is lengthening, this theme involves more and more people. Even those who no longer practice a profession do not want to live outside of reality. Curiosity is part of our human nature.

I also believe that learning in my profession – as a interim export manager and a consultant on export issues – is difficult to formalize. And what little you write becomes outdated faster than before. I experienced this myself with my book Exporting in 7 Steps which – although still valid in its structure – I would like to rewrite. I continually discover new and helpful practices, new marketing tools (especially digital), and new sites / portals from which to obtain useful information.

Training is often divided into the so-called ‘formal schooling’ and the non-formal learning (e.g. reading a book, learning by doing, a webinar, etc.). Very often we limit ourselves to the first and believe we have been “learned” for life. But that’s not the case at all!

All companies should include employee training as a strategic goal of their company. As a certain A. Einstein said: once you stop learning, you start dying.

By the way, if you are interested in these issues, I would like to point out the course that Claudia Zarabara and I will be holding starting from 12th March, Export Travels Online: Commercial and Digital Strategies for Export.