The projects I followed in 2017 have once again demonstrated how the customization of a product is an element on which our small businesses should increasingly aim for so as to carve out a place in the international markets. I’m talking about the production of customized products based on the needs of the client, of production lines designed to the client’s exact specifications, of customized colours, etc.
On the other hand, the image that our Made in Italy evokes is certainly not that of mass production but, rather, the image of the craftsman, of the tailor who makes the fitted suit. This is why many companies that work with the home / furniture / design industry look increasingly towards contacting architects, for example. They are in always greater need of suppliers who can support them in their projects. Besides also making creative, good quality contributions, of course, even for “handmade” goods.

Another example are customized products for people with disabilities. This, too, was an area that was ignored for many years and which today is finally getting the attention it deserves with the introduction of products that are adapted specifically to these peoples’ needs.
But be careful: custom-made is not synonymous with small quantities. Often these architects collaborate with large clients; for example international hotel chains. On the other hand, even small businesses have their own economic balance that must be respected. So be wary of those who ask for a customized product but with quantities that are too low even for a small business.
Customization should be a strength of our businesses, a characteristic that should distinguish itself from the medium-large businesses who, by their very nature, are much less flexible in this regard. A small company that produces chairs and with whom I collaborate has dedicated a section in their new catalog titled: No standard? No problem! The concept was then reinforced with the photo and the slogan you see here and I find it an excellent choice (distinguish yourself not to extinct)
I have already addressed the topic of craftsmanship in the post Men and Robots.